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Available Online


50 min
60 British pounds
Soliman's Solutions, Cam, Gloucestershire

Service Description

If you are suffering from anxiety you can be affected in many different ways. Not being able to relax, disturbed sleep, not being able to focus clearly because you are worrying constantly. It may also affect you physically; heart palpations, feeling sick, headaches. The list is endless. It can be so debilitating when you are feeling in a heightened state of anxiety. The trouble is, the more you feel anxious the easier it is to get into a vicious cycle of negative thinking, and it can really have a negative impact on your quality of life. Hypnotherapy can really help by getting you to relax and by preventing it from happening in the future. Hypnotherapy will reduce your anxiety levels and help you to feel calm, confident and in control of your life. You will learn why it affects you and learn different ways of coping so much better and focus on the positive aspects of how you want to live your life. It is usual to feel a little bit anxious from time to time, that is how we can cope with unexpected events. But if you feel like anxiety has overtaken your life, then perhaps it is time to have some help. Booking an initial consultation will give you a better understanding of why you are feeling so anxious, by explaining the solution focused hypnotherapy based on the science of how the brain works. Not only will you understand what is causing you to feel like this but most importantly you will learn how to feel so much better.

Cancellation Policy

Please note all appointments booked require a 24 hour notice cancellation period or a charge may be incurred.

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