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Insomnia And Sleep Problems

1 h
60 British pounds
Soliman's Solutions, Cam, Gloucestershire

Service Description

Insomnia is attributed to up to at least 30% of the population at any given time. Some people may find it hard to get to sleep, others hard to stay asleep, waking up several times throughout the night. We all know how important a good night’s sleep is. If you are constantly not getting enough sleep this can have a very detrimental effect on your health, both mentally and physically. The reasons for having are many. However, there is a strong link between anxiety and sleep problems. Many people try desperately not to think about sleeping, only to have great difficulty getting to sleep. Others may fall asleep easily but wake up due to stress and worries waking them up in the night and are unable to get back to sleep. This is because your primitive mind, the fight or flight is trying to protect you, by thinking it is keeping you safe from danger. The signals being sent to your brain are keeping you alert and giving you an adrenaline overload. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy helps to identify what area you want to focus on, such as feeling calmer, more relaxed and by focusing on future, positive goals and looking forward it can help you feel so much calmer and relaxed and you will start sleeping so much better.

Cancellation Policy

Please note all appointments booked require a 24 hour notice cancellation period or a charge may be incurred.

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