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Jane, Gloucestershire

"I was looking for hypnotherapy initially as I always had too much to do and not enough time in the day to do it – I used to get overwhelmed and lose focus on what I was supposed to be doing, which in turn would lead to anxiety.  I really needed help to get myself organised and get on top of things again.  Vicci started off with an initial consultation– going through all my issues in detail and informing me about what the sessions would entail. My first session was amazing – I had never had hypnotherapy before and didn’t know what my reaction would be – I knew it would be relaxing as Vicci had explained this to me.  I started off lying on the couch and relaxing – listening to Vicci’s calm and reassuring voice, focusing on what she was saying. When suddenly I found myself drifting off, next thing I knew I was wide awake, felt really good and refreshed and it was the end of the session – I was flabbergasted – I wasn’t even tired before I went in! I was amazed that I actually felt different in the following week, much more focused and certainly nowhere near as anxious or stressed. I continued the sessions with Vicci on Zoom. Most sessions I would drift off then wake up when the session ended feeling clear and focused again.  I really noticed the difference in my everyday life – I quickly went up on the scale that Vicci goes over at the start of the sessions and although I haven’t had a session for over a month now I still feel focused, calm and relaxed and am getting more done than ever before. I would definitely recommend Vicci, she does a very thorough and detailed discussion before each of the sessions and has given me some excellent pointers which have revolutionised my life.  She has the best voice for hypnosis and I often listen to the recording at night when I need a bit of extra support or to relax.  The hypnotherapy has worked really well on me and I would advise anyone to try it out."

Moira, Bristol

To be honest with you, when I first heard of hypnotherapy I thought it was some weird and wonderful stage act and I’d be clucking like a chicken. I decided to try hypnotherapy as I had tried everything else and I had nothing to lose, I was curious too. I thought Id go in with an open mind and give it a try. I was feeling pretty rubbish, feeling miserable, feeling low and when you turn that low, I didn’t want to turn to medication. I wanted something to heal me and make me feel better.  The hypnotherapy sessions are totally relaxing, they are not at all intimidating. It is a talking and listening therapy. It is just like having a mental massage. It’s so relaxing, its healing, makes me feel so comfortable and at peace with myself.  Since I have had the hypnotherapy I have been feeling so much calmer, relaxed and mainly I am sleeping better, which is amazing. I listen to the MP3 every night, it has become part of my routine. I feel in control of situations, and I deal with things better as I am more level-headed. It has made me feel so much more different. I see things differently; I appreciate things differently and I can deal with things differently.​

Ben, Gloucestershire

"I've been attending sessions with Vicci for four months. Before seeing Vicci I was pretty stressed out , I wasn’t sleeping very well, I was struggling to focus on my business and would find myself drifting from idea to idea without finishing what I needed to . I was also finding myself getting into conflict in relationships both at work and home. Since having the sessions with Vicci I find myself sleeping better. I am much more organised and  focused in my work and also find my relationships have improved. I feel calmer, more in control of my life and much more confident in my own abilities.  I was pretty sceptical at first but  I would now have no hesitations in recommending  Soliman’s solutions, not only if you are feeling stressed or anxious but also if you would like to “up your game” and  take your life to the next level."

Anne, Devon

"I sought hypnotherapy and was recommended to Vicci by psychology professionals when I was adjusting to retirement from my full-time managerial position.  I had worked in a professional post in my career for many years and I found that I needed support in the transition to another type of environment.  ​ My main objective was to achieve focus in completion of tasks whilst remaining in a relaxed frame of mind. Vicci positively supported me with my goals and the outcome was successful.  I have every confidence in recommending Vicci's hypnotherapy practice."

Tracy, Gloucestershire

I started hypnotherapy as I wanted to improve my life, my outlook and my general mental state, but mainly I was hoping it could help me harness my inner confidence, to be less reserved and feel empowered to dream big and believe in myself. When I started I didn't know much about hypnotherapy and the word trance was a little out of my comfort zone, however I would describe it like meditation, or just being really relaxed, like when your listening to music.   Since starting, I have noticed a considerable shift in my mindset, no longer feeling uncertain about things, being more assertive and creating more of what I want in life. I owe this to Vicci and couldn't recommend her enough if you are looking to make a change. She's very good at what she does and accommodating to my needs, helping me to learn more about myself and keep me on track. Thank you Vicci! 

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